I can’t get it to load any comments :(
I can’t get it to load any comments :(
Connect is worth a try if you really want stand alone. I’m about to try out werwer on your recommendation
Link doesn’t work in connect :( but cheers
Connect is great, nicest app I’ve used for Lemmy so far. I do wish it had a way to swap instances quicker without an account, as I get the need for posters, but I don’t like posting.
The refund period isn’t a hard set in stone thing. Send support a request and it’s likely to be granted. When tlou came out plenty of people with way more than 2 hours got refunds.
If you’re running W11, you can run Android applications through the windows subsystem for Android, much like the w subsystem for Linux.
Or, blue stax is quite good in my experience
I’d be stoked
I’m using connect for Lemmy and they show as full size images here too 😅