came here to mention pasta with thuna in tomato sauce. check out jamie Oliver’s 5 ingredient thuna pasta, it’s simple yet delicious AF.
came here to mention pasta with thuna in tomato sauce. check out jamie Oliver’s 5 ingredient thuna pasta, it’s simple yet delicious AF.
+1 für N26
Nutze seit vielen Jahren ebenfalls N26 und zwar das Basic Konto das gratis ist. Hat sich aber verändert vgl mit dem Angebot von früher:
Dafür muss man sagen dass die App wirklich gut funktioniert und die Spaces Funktion auch super praktisch ist. Die nutze ich, um monatlich Betrag X wegzusparen für größere Anschaffungen/Urlaub. Das Geld lässt sich per drag&drop aufs Haupt- oder Subkonto verschieben.
Karten lassen sich in der App verwalten und für einzelne Länder freischalten, praktisch um Karten selektiv fürs Ausland freizuschalten.
don’t listen to people to stay out of crypto, you do you.
Check out sparrow waller, it’s a bit shinier than Electrum wallet and open source afaik
been testing trillium the last couple of days and it feels great.
sounds awesome! will try this approach
sippin’ on that water
eMule, those were the days where I downloaded movies for over a week lol 2x 700mb CDs was the format that was usually provided… good times!
darknet diaries ist ziemlich gut
you could also self-host your vpn on a cheap cloud vps with algo:
will cost you around 5 bucks per month
you can choose your vpn location and cloud provider, supports several protocols like openvpn and wireguard etc.
pretty sure I’ve read that 4.x is mobile friendly/friendlier than 3.10.
Nzb360 is my preference on mobile, I’m on Android though. Also integrates well with Sonarr/Radarr/Jackett!
I’d look into Sonarr/Radarr in combination with Jackett (mentioned above)
Jackett is your search engine backend.
Within Sonarr/Radarr you add Jackett as your search Index (don’t know the correct wording sry)
Been using this for quite some time and it works pretty much flawless. Jackett still requires you to add your torrent sites like TPB, TorrentLeech or TorrentGalaxy, but in my experience it’s a one time setup thing.
Honestly it makes life much more comfortable compared to manual searches on a single tracker.
can recommend yt-dl to download stuff from YouTube https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl
both very good suggestions
I’d argue that people who want to selfhost don’t want to rent a cheap VPS (i. e. aws lightsail is what I’d use)
but honestly the vps route as a bastion server IMO is the way to go
gut gelacht gerade, danke dafür.
this is the way
pardon my ignorance, but is it a dump of the old rarbg content or will there be content updates/new releases as well?
Jamie Oliver’s thuna pasta is my favorite easy recipe:
just used this random generated username from my password manager 😉
Also check out Join, I’m using it to send files, notifications, clipboard etc. to my phone