“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
Not a Docker expert by any stretch, but I believe Portainer can only connect to the socket locally. If you were to bind that socket over a ssh tunnel, you’d be limiting your Portainer to managing a single machine. You’d also be dealing with broken pipe errors every time the connection went idle.
Given those limitations, it’s much easier (and, I’d argue, more secure) to just spin up a Portainer container on that machine.
If you absolutely must use SSH, see this thread for the only working solution AFAIK:
Really wish there was a way to stream this one in the US.
You will see zero change until the people (all of us) stop going to work, grind the global economy to a halt, and force our leaders and billionaires to clean up their fucking mess.
Like a parent stopping the car until the kids behave.
If a nazi complains about the fediverse and nobody is there to give a shit, does he make a sound?
Thankfully there are many other roadblocks as well (board certification, state licensure, etc), but that doesn’t make this any less terrifying.
This isn’t a statement rooted in honesty or morality. This is saying the quiet part out loud.
Where should we point them?
Quite happy with my life, thank you. And the bees.
As a local beekeeper, I take offense to your sentiment.
From reading the NPR article, it doesn’t sound like the surgical team started the procedure. They aborted before making any incisions, which is what they should have done. The Guardian headline is a touch sensationalist.
What’s horrifying is how they got all the way to the operating room before recognizing that the patient wasn’t brain dead.
The SILCA strip chip does a great job of eliminating the need for chain prep. Worth the extra cost, if you don’t want to mess around with harsh chemicals.
Waxed chains are the bees knees. I’ll never go back to using lube.
HIPAA only applies to Covered Entities. 23andMe does not meet the HHS definition of a Covered Entity.
Yep, totally agree. Just pointing out that the tech is not the enemy here, it’s the intent of the user(s). I’m a big fan of Signal, and they’ve done nothing wrong here, though to some the headline could imply that the tool is complicit here.
Depends on when you started using it, when you were served with a notice to retain, and whether you used Signal to discuss content that falls under said notice.
Either way, encryption and/or auto-delete isn’t the enemy here.
My completely uninformed guess is:
Presumably not, since the repurposed cells won’t have the same surface antigens that the immune system targets for destruction.
Not from California, but for the most part, domestic honeybees will only sting when they feel threatened. You’re more likely to be stung around a hive during a nectar dearth, when the hive is Queen-less, etc. And from what I’ve heard, some hives are just assholes (thankfully never experienced that with my own hives) and always protect themselves — but that’s almost always when you’re in close physical proximity.
If you’re getting stung on a bike, I’d say you’re either near an active hive(s), in which case you can change your route if you locate the hive, or (perhaps more likely) you aren’t getting stung by honeybees. Where I live, wasps are the more likely culprit.
You’re anecdotal pattern is pretty spot on, you’ll notice less bee/pollinator activity as daylight draws to a close. Early mornings are usually fine too. Following the flowering pattern in your region can help too — more flowers, more bees (though again, honeybees are very unlikely to sting you far from their hive), and as fall sets in, the nectar dearth starts to impact behavior.
Jacobsen Salt Co has some good ramen seasoning, but their Turmeric popcorn seasoning is where it’s at. Combines well with flavacol too.
Why people still willingly play in billionaires’ playgrounds is beyond me