Neither Terraria nor Don’t Starve are in the automation genre, though! I found Factorio way more enjoyable than those two. Worth what I paid for it many times over. 
Neither Terraria nor Don’t Starve are in the automation genre, though! I found Factorio way more enjoyable than those two. Worth what I paid for it many times over. 
I always found Notion’s aesthetic kind of unsatisfactory.
Sadly, I don’t know much about Android so my recommendations (Craft, Coda, Tana) aren’t that useful. But it looks like you got a lot of other suggestions! :)
What kind of functionality do you need? (I am not familiar with the scope of offerings skiff has/had)
Months later and I find it a fun casual game to jump into with some friends I don’t play with that often. It’s chill and we can chat and catch up, but it’s still reasonably engaging!
Blazblue: Entropy Effect just came out of EA and is a blast on the Deck. Easy recommendation!
Well, are you ready for sex that is safe and healthy this summer?
Nice that they’re working to make the game better. I was excited for it but it got bad press so I held off. Hope that it gets to the point where it’s worth picking up to play with friends.
One thing that Evernote got right is that it made it easy to export your content. I really appreciate that about the service. Leaving Apple Notes is not as easy.
Just leaving a comment here since I haven’t seen anybody else mention it: participation is optional for Individual and Family plans, and at this time it will not be applied to Team and Business plans.
If you’re not willing to trust what they say about the anonymity of the telemetry system, or to opt out, then I think you wouldn’t be happy trusting them with all your passwords in the first place!
If you’re willing to stick to Safari, then I think using Apple Keychain is best, especially since they’ll be adding sharing this year.
I was surprised to get approved relatively quickly considering the size of the backlog. Thank you for the work put in!
Traaaaaaains! ❤️
I’m really excited for the expansion changes but I’m scared of spending another hundred hours there. 😅