Hi fellow Aussie! Does your username by any chance come from this picture ?
Hi fellow Aussie! Does your username by any chance come from this picture ?
That is an untenable position to be placed in. I could not work for a manager who I can not even respect for owning their decisions. Yes they are fully prepared to throw you under a bus for their decisions, a gutless act. No you don’t have to put up with it. Look for another job, it may be a blessing in disguise and you may find a job with a boss you can actually respect.
Day 21 of exercise program completed, but I swapped out the exercises that hurt my foot for the tummy exercises I’ve been doing. Going to the farmers market so gentle walking is in order!
Lying in bed not wanting to get up. I have to do day 20 of my exercises but my foot is still really sore. Yesterday was a rest day thankfully, but I still did some tummy exercises. It seems a tiny bit better every morning but by the end of the day it’s bad again. I’d love to know what I did to it!
I’d love to just stay my in bed all day but I’d also love to go to the farmers market and I have to buy shoes for one of the mini peelers. Looks like I’ll get up and go hobbling around.
Yesterday I came home and Mr Peeler had reorganized the furniture in the house under the guise of cleaning. He loves to do it and I hate it when he does. I can never find anything in this house anymore, it’s really frustrating. Also he just put a big pile of stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere in the hallway for us to step around/trip over.
Thanks, I’ll see if that makes a difference.
Oh that might be it then. When I looked up my profile some of the comments I’ve made weren’t there either. I still love this place though, just can’t decide whether to use app or browser. I like both for different things.
Ah thankee!
Just discovered that some of my comments aren’t being posted even though it looks like it from my end. Can anyone see this?
What do you like on your home made pizza? I gave up on ordering pizza from pizza shops… you go through the expensive trial and error of finding a good local one and they eventually change owners or something and turn to shit.
How did you go?
Hey, be safe out there guys! The amount of idiotic driving and near misses I witnessed on the way to work was greater than usual for sure.
You made me laugh on the bus!
Day 19 of exercise program completed minus the jumping jacks and the mountain climbers due to mysteriously injured foot. Day 4 of tummy exercises also completed. Pain spray liberally applied. Ibuprofen taken. Let’s get this bread!
Well I’ve survived the night, Mr Peeler didn’t manage to kill me with insufficiently cooked chicken. Foot is still sore but not quite as bad as yesterday. Luckily I’ve got a mostly sit down job today, making lasagna sheets. I’ll take my pain spray with me and hope for the best.
Neck and shoulder pains are so horrible, ugh! Those rabbit warren estates are soulless at night. I grew up near one and I went to parties as a teen where I was actually grateful for hearing cold chisel. Keep us posted.
It’s fucking cold out there too! It feels like there’s no quality control of the service, only customer compliance. Did you pay for the shitty service? No? Then we won’t attack the shitty service, just you. Are you on a bus now or still waiting?
Ugh. For some reason you just reminded me of how I used to have to start an early breakfast shift around the time people were stumbling out of nightclubs and pissing in the laneways outside and trying to chat you up. Ugh.
On another note, why make people actually attend an office if there’s no need? I’m not an office worker… I’ve mostly had the kinds of jobs where you have to attend to specific machinery or equipment etc in a specific workplace. If you only need a workstation and internet connection then to my mind you can be anywhere. You can be in the fucking Bahamas and work. Why do they do this to people if it is unnecessary?
My kids are still young enough that the CBD is interesting, but I think they’re becoming wary of the people who approach and ask for money. It’s been really notable the last couple of times. We were even sitting just inside the front of a McDonald’s and someone entered far enough to ask me for money in front of the kids. The kids were unsettled by it. My oldest also noted that piss was a common aroma. We weren’t hanging out around the shitty parts of the CBD, it was an “in general” kind of thing.
Family are all sick with viruses and one with tonsillitis. There are also other health related issues with certain family members which have been dragging on for a while now. I’m the sort of person who rarely gets sick, so I have to be the nurse while working my 5 days a week. It’s hard and I’m not the best nurse if the truth be told, so I’m getting sick of the attitudes from people I’m trying to help. People aren’t really themselves when they’re sick so I’m just trying to be patient and tell myself that it won’t always be like this.