Honestly the dungeon finder is super helpful to people like me who have a small amount of time to play. I think they should have treated it like Raid Finder though and had it give lesser loot to encourage doing it properly.
Given it’s advertised on Microsoft’s page for the Adaptive Controller I’m going to guess yes.
Greg Poole, who has been district superintendent since 2006, said the policy is legal and teaches students to conform as a sacrifice benefitting everyone.
“When you are asked to conform … and give up something for the betterment of the whole, there is a psychological benefit,” Poole said. “We need more teaching (of) sacrifice.”
Fuck right off with that. Your appearance (so long as it’s not designed specifically to distract) is yours. We have minimal ways of expressing ourselves and that is one of them.
You can “electronically” pay a lot of bills through your bank (by having the bank issue a check) for free
My bank charges a $5.99/mo fee to use their bill pay shit, and then never stopped charging me it after I stopped using it. I had to call them and complain before they took it off.
It’s not a pack with very many mods similar to IndustrialCraft or BuildCraft (which I adored) but I do enjoy how it gates the progression and my girlfriend and I are addicted to running the vaults in Vault Hunters (Third edition specifically) https://vaulthunters.gg/
Yeah and there was a whole privilege escalation exploit because of that, get system level access whenever you plug in a Razer peripheral because you could open a powershell window from the “Choose where to install” prompt.
I’m honestly surprised that made it past as many layers of checks as it did.
I think it was heavily implied to be nukes in the books but never explicitly stated.
The gardens were above a station that was abandoned though, so bombing it wouldn’t do as much as if it was right over an active station.
I usually stay away from this kind of response but it seemed like the initial comment was needlessly aggressive to me.
I only ever did one thing for a science fair and it was dropping an egg in a box with varying materials to see what protected the egg the best.
Nothing protected it very well.
I unironically liked it more than when they added NPCs, it was a story about how everyone in the area either fled, died, or turned into a monster while you and your friends from the vault opened up and went out, figuring out what happened as you accidentally your way into different factions kept alive by robots.
Yep! The Plus/Pro line is the good shit. The base models of WD drives are not great now, especially if you’re going to set up a RAID array of some sort.
Those would be the SMR drives, if you don’t want that you’re looking at about $84.
You can get refurbed drives for under $50.
New ones that aren’t white label (which, nothing wrong with that) for 4 TB are about $100.
I know I’m not alone but I actually liked Google+ because the circles concept actually worked really well for showing me what I wanted to see.
I’ve seen “beeple” and loved it but I also saw “cowbee” earlier today and thought that was pretty cute.
I let my grass get water from the sky, if it gets enough, cool. If not, nature intended it.
I do still mow though because if I don’t my city issues a fine. I’d be fine with my grass being up to my ankle, any further than that and it unfortunately becomes a hazard because we have a snake issue.
My girlfriend got me to play Outer Wilds and the first thing I did was try to fly into the sun and she was just staring at me like “why are you like this” while I was grinning like mad.
I also thought it was intentional. I thought it was “well since someone is doing something to you, your implants are seeing it as hostile.”
Wow there is no reason to be that rude with your “you might be somehow new…” comment, that was uncalled for.