I switch between all 3, mostly in new or hot. Not that much in “all”, just to see what’s going on in other instances and to see if I want to sub to a new community that I might find.
I switch between all 3, mostly in new or hot. Not that much in “all”, just to see what’s going on in other instances and to see if I want to sub to a new community that I might find.
Så länge old.reddit med RES funkar kommer jag förmodligen forfarande använda reddit, fast inte lika ofta.
Dom flest subreddits som jag använder finns även på Lemmy och är relativt aktiva, så blir mer lemmy. Och än så länge verkar det vara trevligare tonläge på Lemmy.
Switched from Linux to Mac 10 years ago. Runs well and I still have a nice terminal experience. Sometimes I do miss Linux package manager.
Way too long, I just keep adding more than I can keep up with. I could probably cut books that I added years ago an no longer would be interested in… Currently 545 books
Same here, haven’t read any of his books before either, but I’m about 100 pages in on Crime and Punishment
I have periods where I don’t read much, and then periods where I devour books. What I do to read consistently is to try and read 10 pages a day at least. For me the resistance to start reading becomes easy to break and oftentimes I end up reading more than 10 pages. But some times 10 pages is all, and that’s ok.
So maybe set a rule for yourself to read x amount of pages, or to read for a set amount of time.
Haha, yes. My local bookshop had a sale on new prints of classical books. I also picked up a copy Frankenstein that I’ve read already.
Not so much this season, kind of neglected planting in the garden this year. But my raspberry bush is thriving so I’m hopeful for a lot of berries! And I have some strawberries that are coming back from last year and my blueberry bushes still kicking, so hopefully some more berries from them as well.
Just started reading Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Before that it was Moby Dick by Herman Melville
old.reddit on desktop is what I use mainly, and Apollo if I’m on mobile
Yes they’re great! 🐝