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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Further, “Whether another user actually downloaded the content that Meta made available” through torrenting “is irrelevant,” the authors alleged. “Meta ‘reproduced’ the works as soon as it made them available to other peers.”

    Is there existing case law for what making something “available” means? If I say “Alright, I’ll send you this book if you want, just ask,” have I made it available? What if, when someone asks, I don’t actually send them anything?

    I’m thinking outside of contexts of piracy and torrenting, to be clear - like if a software license requires you to make any changed versions available to anyone who uses the software. Can you say it’s available if your distribution platform is configured to prevent downloads?

    If not, then why would it be any different when torrenting?

    Meta ‘reproduced’ the works as soon as it made them available to other peers.

    The argument that a copyrighted work has been reproduced when “made available,” when “made available” has such a low bar is also perplexing. If I post an ad on Craigslist for the sale of the Mona Lisa, have I reproduced it?

    What if it was for a car?

    I’m selling a brand new 2026 Alfa Romeo 4E, DM me your offers. I’ve now “reproduced” a car - come at me, MPAA.

  • Ah, I assumed there were some areas where Firefox had been found lacking relative to Chromium browsers.

    For me, the current version of any major browser or fork with consistently applied security updates and capability of running the full version of Ublock Origin is sufficiently secure for my threat model. Given that, and that they all offer the feature set I want, wouldn’t it be reasonable to avoid Chromium browsers because I don’t want to encourage the Chromium monopoly?

    That’s only a small fraction of why I use Firefox, to be fair, but suppose for argument’s sake that I don’t care about MV3 extensions, Firefox Containers, etc… Would be it be so wrong for not wanting there to be a Chromium monopoly to be why I chose Firefox or one of its forks?

  • If your recommend protein intake is 70 grams per day (meaning you weigh about 195 pounds / 87 kg) and you’re only getting 20 grams per day, then you are likely already experiencing health issues.

    From https://www.verywellhealth.com/protein-deficiency-symptoms-8756264 you could expect to experience:

    • Weakness and fatigue, meaning you’ll feel exhausted - mentally, physically, or both
    • Skin, Hair, and Nail Problems
    • Mood changes, including the development of mood disorders, such as depression
    • Compromised immune system
    • Slowed wound healing
    • Decline in bone strength
    • Fatty liver
    • Weight loss due to your muscles and organs being broken down - but my understanding is this is mostly relevant if your overall caloric intake is quite low (starvation levels)
    • Weight gain due to fluid retention or increased hunger

    Not all of those are immediately noticeable.

    However, I’m with the other commenter who said that they think it’s likely that you’re under-estimating your daily protein intake. What method did you use for tracking and calculating it?

  • From the feature comparison at https://github.com/meichthys/foss_note_apps only two FOSS apps support handwriting: Joplin (with a plugin) which gets a subjective 6/10 score, and TriliumNext, which gets a subjective 2/10 score. I personally dislike Joplin but many people love it, so I recommend giving it a shot. EDIT: I installed Joplin using the APK from the site and both the handwriting and Excalidraw plugins were “not available on mobile,” so I have to rescind my recommendation. On my iOS device, the plugins didn’t even show up in the search.

    I think TriliumNext is great, but the mobile experience is still lacking (though they are tracking several issues to improve here). There’s no dedicated mobile app but they at least have a PWA. It also needs to be self-hosted, but doing so is straightforward if you’re already using Docker. The handwriting is done via a built-in Excalidraw integration.

    Here are some options not captured in that list:

    Obsidian is not open source, but also has an Excalidraw plugin. I’ve not used it yet but I’ve seen multiple discussions saying that it’s very well done and has additional functionality on top of base Excalidraw. There’s also an open source (MIT) plugin for Obsidian that adds support for handwritten notes. I only use Obsidian on my work computer and haven’t used it either, though I plan to install the Excalidraw plugin Monday.

    StylusLabs Write is FOSS (AGPL 3.0), multiplatform, and has a free Android apk available. Note that the Google Play version has had updates suspended. I just learned about it and don’t know how it otherwise measures up. I’m planning to check it out, though.

    You can use any note app that has Excalidraw support, so long as you don’t need your handwritten text to be OCRed. That means that the following are all options:

  • A paid skillful engineer, who doesn’t think it’s important to make that sort of a change and who knows how the system works, will know that, if success is judged solely by “does it work?” then the effort is doomed for failure. Such an engineer will push to have the requirements written clearly and explicitly - “how does it function?” rather than “what are the results?” - which means that unless the person writing the requirements actually understands the solution, said solution will end up having its requirements written such that even if it’s defeated instantly, it will count as a success. It met the specifications, after all.

  • You can self-host Bitwarden, too. My understanding is that VaultWarden is much simpler to self-host, though. Note that VaultWarden isn’t a “fork”; it’s a compatible rewrite in Rust (Bitwarden’s codebase, by contrast, is primarily C#).

    I also use Bitwarden and strongly prefer it over every other password manager I’ve tried or investigated, for what that’s worth. I’d recommend it to 99% of non-enterprise users (it’s probably great for enterprise use as well, TBF).

    The only use case I wouldn’t recommend it for is when you don’t want your passwords stored in the cloud, in which case KeePass is the way to go. To be clear, that recommendation does not apply if you’re syncing your vault with a cloud storage provider - even one you’re hosting, like SyncThing - even if your vault is encrypted. At that point just use Bitwarden or VaultWarden, because they’re at least audited with your use case in mind (Vaultwarden has only been audited once afaik, though).

  • I primarily use Standard Notes. It’s a fantastic tool and I can use it anywhere, online or offline. It’s not great for collaboration, though, and it doesn’t have a canvas option. But I use it for scratch pads, for todo lists, for project tracking, for ideas, plans, plotting for my tabletop (Monster of the Week) game, software design and architecture, for drafting comments, etc…

    Standard Notes also has a ton of options for automated backups. I get a daily email with a backup of my notes; I can host my notes on my home server and the corporate one; I can also set up automated backups on any desktop.

    I don’t use it for saving links. I’m still using Raindrop.io for that, even though I’m self-hosting both Linkding and Linkwarden.

    For sharing and collaboration, I either publish to Listed with Standard Notes or use Hedgedoc, which is great for collaboration and does a great job presenting nodes, too.

    For canvas notes, I use GoodNotes on a tablet or the Onyx Boox’s default Notes app. I’d love a better FOSS, self-hosted option, especially for the Boox, but my experiences thus far have been negative (especially on the Boox).

    I’ve been trying out SilverBullet lately, since I want to try out cross-note querying and all that, but I’m too stuck in my habits and keep going back to Standard Notes. I think I’ll have better luck if I choose one app and go with it.

    I also have a collection of Mnemosyne notebooks that I use with fountain pens (mostly the Lamy 2000, but also quite commonly a Platinum 3776 or a Twsbi). Side note: the Lamy 2000 was my first fountain pen and after getting it I went deep into fountain pens. I explored a ton of different options, found a lot of nice pens across a number of brands… and yet how I still haven’t found something that I consistently like more. The Pilot VP is great but deceptive; a fancy clicky pen that only holds 30 minutes of ink (in a converter, at least) is decidedly inconvenient.

    I’ve also been checking out Obsidian on my work computer. So far I haven’t seen anything that makes me prefer it over my existing set of tools.

  • Hedgedoc is fantastic. If you’re okay with your notes app being web-only (without an app or even a PWA) and you don’t need canvas notes or multi-note queries, you should check it out.

    First, every note is Markdown, but it supports a ton of things natively. It has native Vim, Emacs, and Sublime (the default) editors and it’s built to be great for collaboration (if you want).

    It also has

    • syntax highlighting for a ton of languages
    • Mermaid.js support
    • LaTeX support
    • easy drag and drop image uploads
    • a solid mobile interface (for a webapp in your browser, at least)
    • built in revision history
    • support for other diagram tools, like graphviz, flowchart.js
    • a bunch of other little Markdown enhancements that make using it feel oddly intuitive

    And best of all, they have a Hedgehog for the icon! (I may be biased.)

  • Liking multiple people at once is super common. The love triangle is a trope for a reason.

    If you don’t like her then don’t worry about it (other than to maybe pay attention to how you’re acting around her and avoid flirting unintentionally) but if you’re interested in her, maybe try pursuing that? Flirt with her a bit and see if she reciprocates. If she likes you, there’s a good chance she’s been flirting with you and you’ve just been oblivious.

    If you’re too shy to intentionally flirt, you could ask her outright, but it’d probably be better to ask her something that hints at your interest, like “I like this girl but I can’t tell if she’s into me - what sorts of signs should I be looking for?” Should be pretty obvious what you’re both saying and asking.