Programmer and sysadmin (DevOps?), wannabe polymath in tech, science and the mind. Neurodivergent, disabled, burned out, and close to throwing in the towel, but still liking ponies 🦄 and sometimes willing to discuss stuff.
The newest take on cookies, is “accept all, or pay to read”. Quite shady, if you ask me.
Games reward you in game mechanics, same as most games at a casino.
The “space race” has always been a propaganda stunt.
There is a reason you don’t hear about every experimental result from the ISS, those are actual scientific achievements and not propaganda, while a guitar on the ISS or how to drink water, end up on the news.
China […] without the politics and waste
Wrong. China’s politics and waste may look different, they’re still there in huge amounts. Institutionalized corruption and cultural corner cutting, whether for a capitalist goal, or a power control and egocentrism goal, are still corruption and corner cutting.
Matrix/Element allows for mixing different servers for each part of the stack:
GOOGL knows that to become a long term successful company in a world of 4.50% interest rates, that P/E of 21 and dividend yield of 0.49% are barely cutting it.
They can no longer push popular platforms like YouTube as a loss leader.
Depends… I’ve been running 2.99 for a while now 😄
Oooooh, can’t wait to see the new features!
[what? there is no new features…?]
Can’t wait to see the new splash screen! 😇
A company that can’t offer a ROI to its stockholders, is a startup that should never be allowed to go public; stick to angel and venture investors instead. Public stocks relying on the hype of “growing quickly”, are a Ponzi scheme through and through.
If we speak of company ages, the argument doesn’t hold either:
A good chunk of the US market is made up of Ponzi scheme companies. With 401k-s tied to market investments, people are setting themselves up for a very rough awakening.
Meaningful part are the dividend ratios.
The problem with P/E is that, while it’s great to measure business health internally, a company that has great earnings and then decides to “invest in growth” instead of paying dividends, is just a Ponzi scheme as far as investors are concerned: no expectation of returns from the company, only from the hype among other investors.
Is TSLA overvalued? To be generous, let’s compare them to just NASDAQ stocks:
When your Lemmy client shows you previews of the links…
The bill hasn’t passed yet, we’ll see what amendments get into the final version.
The general downside of this kind of bills, is that they require marking “any amount” of AI-based modification, like for example: using an “AI optimized” curves modifier to adjust a photo, makes the whole thing into “made using AI”.
My phone camera has an AI based detector for focusing on faces, pieces of paper, brightness and color correction… so ALL photos I take with it are automatically “made with AI”, which is BS.
IMHO Melinda changed Gates’s view on the world. As much as her desktop idea was nightmare fuel, they did create a foundation, had some kids together, and that let Gates grow as a person away from Ballmer’s “Developers, Developers, Developers!” culture.
Anyone who plays it right:
Bonus points for anyone with insider information.
Which one? It has several.
Whoever the fuck thought it would be a good idea to add a script tag to SVG needs to be put down.
SVG was in part intended as a replacement for Flash, which had animations and interactive graphic elements. The script tag has been there since 2001’s SVG 1.0 🤷
Master class in how to antagonize the most pro-US European country.
Not sure where you get your propaganda from, but I refuse to engage with that whole twisted argumental line. I stand by what I said, I think it was pretty straightforward.
“Right of withdrawal” is quite easy: allow cancelling the transaction before the in-game content has actually been used.
It only takes a “has been used” flag, and maybe a log entry to prove when.