• This is misinformation. Gen Z seniors in high school did tend towards right wing. Republican voters are actually sick of gender war crap coming from DeSantis and Trump, and those politicians lose engagement when they go on about trans people. 65% of the country has the liberal/freedom take on trans health issues.

    • Sure, but is that the “of age trans people should be able to get on hormones and surgery” or “children should be put on puberty blockers on the slightest suggestion they might be trans, and if parents don’t comply, social services should take the kids away” “liberal take on trans health issues?”

      • Hold up you are conflating different laws and situations. But still yes, actually, it is. Support wavers on trans issues when you get into the weeds. Most Americans don’t want to see trans binary people participating in sports, for example. They are far less likely to support trans peoppe having access to surgery as soon as they have medical autonomy (16).

        I’m saying this full well knowing every single trans person is required to see 2 psychologists, and multiple doctors during their transition. More if they start as children and finish in adulthood.