Also, fuck xfinity and their BS. Can’t even change wifi password without downloading an app.

      • I’m skeptical that a FF with a majority market share would continue to be as user-centric as it is now. Honestly I sort of hope that a third option comes out, but FF is my go to option for now.

        I’ve lost faith in Google (nod to your username) for sure - in general I miss disruption, everyone used to believe they could do it better so no one shied away from the idea of building a better browser engine or any other technology for that matter.

        Google stopped making decisions in the best interest of anyone other than their shareholders a long time ago.

      • Mozilla is funded by Microsoft so they can point to it and say “we’re not a monopoly look at this other browser”. Literally the same reason apple exists. We aren’t getting an open market we’re getting bought and paid for fake competition.