Also, fuck xfinity and their BS. Can’t even change wifi password without downloading an app.

  •  jabjoe   ( ) 
    2710 months ago

    I’ve been using the internet since 1996. Newsgroups is about all that was good back then. Oh and email.

    Chrome has become the new IE6 and Google the Microsoft of the internet.

    Today is a bit of a low point, but I don’t think there was any perfect time.

    Flash was a major issue during a lot of the “golden years” people are romanticizing. ActiveX was also, and still is, an issue for some parts of the world. Silverlight as well to a lesser extent

    If there were any golden years, they probably were when the big three had similar market share between 2009 and 2014. But it was clear what was happening over those years, Chrome was eating IE and waning FF.

    Yes apps are bad news.

    • I think people romanticize Flash because of all the fun games you could play at Newgrounds, ArmorGames etc, that’s where nostalgia hits hard. It’s easy to forget the hoards of very shitty sites that didn’t need Flash at all, but were entirely made in it because fuck you. Adobe buying Macromedia definitely didn’t help with performance or security.

      •  jabjoe   ( ) 
        210 months ago

        I heard it rumoured it was written in 32bit x86 and was a mess. That meant porting it to ARM was basically a rewrite. There are open source rewrites. But nothing would ever play everything the same. Flash was riddled with security flaws of both format and implication. Adobe joined im killing it became it was a risk to Adobe not at an asset. Despite it’s dominance at the time.