I don’t watch shows anymore I just watch serpadesign feed his frogs on YouTube x

  • Seen one of those (The Boys). Maybe two if you count the first season of Westworld (don’t plan on watching more because it’s supposed to be shite).

    I only really bother with Mike Flanagan’s single season stuff on Netflix, because the man knows how to open and close a story. Others should take note. Don’t start a story unless you know how it’s going to end and how long it’s going to take to get there.

    “This is popular, let’s make more” is an attitude that has ruined television.

    • Agreed about Flanagan. I feel like now’s the time to have more one season stories for easier digestion. Especially since so many of them turn to shit so quickly. Ted Lasso being a recent example. Holy shit that last season was horrendous.