• Hey friend, from your post history it looks like you’re a software person in some capacity, or at least you have the tech skills of one.

      Your industry has unions. I’m in one. It’s hard work - tech is mostly not organized. But you can absolutely do it, and you can win real, material improvements to your working conditions, with or without going through a union election.

      My software engineering coworkers using our union have, in the last year, won at least these things through direct, bottom-up organizing on our shop floor:

      • 2 weeks notice of manager or work assignment changes
      • Removal of a misogynist manager
      • Several policy concessions around this specific thing our company does to frighten workers at performance review time
      • Dropped mandatory overtime on a team
      • Changes to hiring transparency to improve hiring of under-represented minorities

      None of us were organizers three years ago.

      Feel free to DM me to talk more, or you can check out some other resources: