• If you think blowing up a pipeline is a good thing because it feels like you’re saving the world, can I blow your head with a gun because I think that without oil people will starve?

    See, when you want to use violence, I assure you that you won’t win, especially the simps that support violence for climate nonsense don’t know how to fire a pistol. Let’s be civilized and avoid violence and aggression.

    Maybe you should learn how to convince people with your ideas, regardless of how stupid, ridiculous, immoral, uneducated and propagandized they are.

      • In my opinion, you said a very stupid thing and I don’t care about your opinion. I’m done discussing dumb climate change nonsense. So, as long as you’re not using violence, I don’t give a shit what you think as you’re free to think all the stupid things you want, otherwise, I’ll share the violence you’re causing with you.

    •  deaf_fish   ( @deaf_fish@lemm.ee ) 
      10 months ago

      Without doing a moral calculation, what I can say is that shooting people in the head is less effective in dealing with climate change then blowing up oil pipelines.

      Blowing up oil pipelines will make it more expensive for oil companies to do business. This will decrease the amount of oil production which will directly effect how much CO2 is put into the atmosphere.

      How effective will it be? Will it stop climate change? Those questions are unknowable at this point in time. But it is pretty clear that we’re getting to a point where lots of people are going to start dying due to climate change.

      • I disagree with you, and I think if we stop using oil hundreds of millions will starve in days.

        Do I care what you think? No, I don’t give two shits about your opinion on climate change. I’m done discussing it. However, you’re free to have all the stupid opinions you want. Just don’t use violence because you don’t have a monopoly on it, we all can do it.

        • I disagree with you

          Wait, about what? Are you saying that shooting people in the head is more effective in dealing with climate change that blowing up oil pipelines?

          I think if we stop using oil hundreds of millions will starve in days

          I agree with this, and I never said we should stop using oil. I think we should definitely use less though. We should try to use as little as possible. We will still need plastics for medical stuff.

          Just don’t use violence because you don’t have a monopoly on it, we all can do it.

          A lot of people are about to die due to climate change. I think if you want them to not do violence, you had better start convincing them that they have a shot to survive this. Telling them that violence is bad is not going to do it. Honestly, blowing up a few pipes is pretty low price, all things considered. Things have the possibility to get much worse than some property damage.

          I would 100% prefer that governments take action to slow down oil production and push hard for more climate friendly policies, but they are not.

    • I mean if removing people from the equation is on the table then targeting billionaires with a carbon footprint of small nations would be the logical place to start.

      That aside, this meme is calling for collective violent action against infrastructure. Your example is an individual violent action against a person.