•  KᑌᔕᕼIᗩ   ( @Kushia@lemmy.ml ) OP
      1 year ago

      They’re in politics as a sock puppet to serve other wealthy people’s interests not because they have great ideas for improving the lives and wellbeing of people.

      If you killed political donations, cushy job prospects post politics and the crazy idea that corporations are somehow people deserving of representation it might go a long way to purging these cookers from the system.

      • I don’t know if you want an actual answer but this particular idiot’s opponent was a millionaire whose entire campaign strategy was spamming people with mail pointing out he is not Boebert…so vote for him on that merit? He couldn’t even make any statements on how he would help voters of this district or take a stand on any issues. He’s running again so we’ll see if he has learned anything.

        This area (like so many around the country) is struggling. Outside of the die-hard Republicans who are a lost cause, people don’t appreciate a rich outsider talking down to them. The frustrating part is during the Democratic primary there was another candidate who had a great, progressive platform that included healthcare, taxing the rich, environment, etc. He came in last 😭 So Democrats chose the status quo, and their candidate struggled to get people excited to vote FOR him rather than AGAINST Boebert.

        I think this is a problem that plagues the Democrats on a national level and isn’t a direct reflection of “stupid” rural voters.

        • I know they won’t read this comment, but I’d really love to hear from the people who down vote! What do you disagree with? I’ve lived all over the U.S. and even overseas, but I haven’t been everywhere in the world so the great thing about a board like this is people with different experiences can share them. I can speak to my own observations but if I’m missing something please tell me!