• fun fact. modern planes consume ~3-4l per 100 passengers per km or 3-4l per passenger per 100km.

    efficient ICE cars consume ~6l per passenger per 100km.

    add to that, that there’s basically no good alternative to fast very long distance or cross-continent transport

    •  Luccus   ( @Luccus@feddit.de ) 
      1 year ago

      Edit #2: ICE is a type of train in germany. I mistook “ICE cars” as meaning trains and was wondering how flying is supposed to be more efficient than trains. Hence my confusion.

      OG comment (invalid, see Edit #2): Where are these numbers coming from?

      I cannot find any source for the 3-4l/passenger/km claim. I cannot find any source for the claim that planes are more efficient. Nothing comes even near this claim.




      Can you please provide a source?

      Edit #1: I just want to add that my old combustion car (VW Up! / Seat Mii / Skoda Citigo) burned around 4.2l/100km. So I according to you, if I had another person with me, I’d beat both planes and trains with what stands uncontested as the most inefficient form of transport?

    • efficient ICE cars consume ~6l per passenger per 100km.

      More like 6L per 100km, whatever the number of passengers, I suppose. So it’s usually still less than planes.

      And there are better alternatives like trains or buses, which can be actually efficient for long distance travels (high speed trains, night travel. Works well from city centre to city centre)

      There is also the additional issue of contrails which are a massive factor of greenhouse effect

    • Is that planes that are packed to the gills or private planes that actually have space that people aren’t crammed into?

      Also, 3-4/6 liters of what? ICE cars and modern planes aren’t burning the same fuel, so I’m not sure what this is intending to portray by directly comparing how much of each (in liters) that they burn (serious question, no snark)