People need to realize you can use alternatives

  •  Nina   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    I tried to start a kbin instance today and I literally ended up corrupting or deleting debian off the VPS.

    So look I’m tryin’ but uh…give me a little time.

    • I’m having a similar experience right now. I wonder if there is a more complete setup walkthrough out there than what’s in the codeberg wiki? I had the same problem standing up an instance of Mastodon, in that available walkthrough seemed to assume knowledge I didn’t have, and additionally just didn’t work right if you were, say, setting it up in an LXC instance instead of using Docker. I got it sorted eventually, but the process was pretty annoying

      • Yeah the codeberg iirc just lists a set of commands with no idea what you’re doing, so it’s very hard to know if you’ve done something wrong. Usually I would do that, and then edit and look up things as I go, but that was the biggest deadend I’ve ever had. Though, the recommended server provider’s interface, slowness, and bugs wasn’t impressing me, I’d really love if they could make a droplet. (and selfishly a droplet with something that has more options for US servers)

    • I hope someone wraps his head around to get kbin running in a container, so noobs like me can just pull the image and host their own instances. I do like kbin, having most of what I am interested in the fediverse in one place is great!