Meme transcription: Anakin & Padme

[Panel 1] Anakin tries selects “Update and shut down” from the Windows start menu.

[Panel 2] Padme, labeled as “Windows”, cheerily says: ”You mean ‘Update and restart’, right?”

[Panel 3] Anakin takes an annoyed look.

[Panel 4] Padme, still cheery, says “I’ll just ‘Update and Restart’.”

  • I can’t stand how windows updates are so intrusive. Sometimes I’ll leave my computer on running a task overnight and Windows will just say “Oh fuck you, I restarted halfway through the night, and then your computer sat idle for 3 hours”. And, btw, I have updates “suspended”

    I’m like everyone else here, I run Linux for most of my stuff, but Windows is on one last box, and it’s just so aggravating now