Always a smokescreen to take away your rights. Epstein plead guilty in 2008 to trafficking children to nobody.

  • Hi. Autistic adult here. I‘m sorry you have to go through this and get triggered by these things. I can relate.

    I think these „don’t do business with evil“ peeps are trying to make do as well as they’re watching the vast ignorant majority embrace consumerism and are panicking how to save our planet and our minds. I know its futile but I don’t think the majority wants to feel smug.

    I learned something that helped me out a great deal since 2020: don’t assume malice if you can assume incompetence. (And for us autistic people: if you can assume incompetence, be kind and don’t repeat the ableism you were met with).

    Just trying to spread some kindness. I hope it helps. Thank you for working so hard for your kid.

    • I appreciate your answer! I would like to offer a counterpoint; at what point does a person become responsible for their own ignorance? And how often is ignorance, whether intentional or otherwise, the direct cause of malice, or malicious behavior?

      In the slim chance a person here sees what they said, and does not know that Amazon is “evil,” merely saying not to work with an evil corporation is not educational, and therefore serves no purpose.

      Since there was no effort to education, we can assume within a reasonable amount of doubt that they are speaking to those who are already educated. And if that’s the case, then all they offer to the conversation is, at it’s heart, self-satisfaction. Anyone aware that Amazon is evil who chooses to continue to use their services has either come to the conclusion that they have no choice, or simply doesn’t care.

      They add nothing to the conversation, and in fact, might reduce engagement with the premise (use this affiliate link to reduce the harm of doing business with Amazon).

      I agree with your statement, that we should treat all actions with reasonable doubt. Offer that before assuming malicious intent. Which is absolutely true! I don’t believe the commenter intentionally thought, “I’m going to shut down this conversation while also virtue signalling.” But the effect is the same for the purpose of conversation. It adds nothing of value and may even discourage discourse. It is equally as useless, to me, as pretending to champion a cause from a screen, patting themself on the back for their wise ways, and doing nothing. It provides the illusion of helping, while adding nothing. And that’s a dangerous thing.

      I would correct my statement in the presence of anything at all to “add” to the discourse. Explaining why using Amazon would be unwise if it can be avoided. They did not make that effort. I stand by my previous comment. But I want to thank you for taking the time to engage me, and I really hope you continue to try showing other people the value of giving people the benefit of the doubt! It’s so important, and does so much kindness in society.

      • Well said, both of your comments.

        There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and the people who focus on policing where others shop (or what others eat), instead of fighting the system that enables and encourages these corporations to exist and operate in the horrific way they do, are literally doing nothing to tackle the problem itself and are 100% doing it for their own dopamine hit and feelings of superiority (E: this is of course encouraged in capitalist society by those it serves via their media to divert attention away from them).

        I’m also autistic as well as housebound, so I literally have no choice but to buy everything online, and while I try my best, there’s almost no avoiding amazon, since even small businesses now sell through them exclusively. It’s so frustrating how rarely the classism and ableism in those kinds of comments is discussed.

        Never mind that it isn’t even their retail business that makes them the bulk of their money, but AWS, but point that out to the person telling people not to shop there, and that it means that they almost certainly provide amazon income passively every time they use the internet, and watch the most incredible mental gymnastics display you’ll see in a while. 🤦‍♀️