• I’m not a programmer, but I think I see what you’re trying to do. I have ADHD and less-than-ideal eyesight. This is easier to read, comprehension-wise, in that I’m not getting “lost” in the text and losing my place and having to re-read paragraphs; but the font you’re using is a little blurrier than the default (I think it’s the serifs) and is a little more difficult for me to physically read. Maybe increasing the font size or changing to a different font would work better?

    • Lemmy uses the system default for monospace font.
      Try changing the monospace alias in /etc/fonts/local.conf:
      That's for system-wide effect.
      For just firefox, go to Settings > General > Fonts > Advanced and
          change the default Monospace font to a monospace font you like.
      Source Code Pro and DejaVu Sans Mono are both very good.