Todd Howard: “You may need to upgrade your PC for this game”

  • A completely optional mission, in a completely optional romance line, that you only see once should you choose that one romance quest out of the options. Normally seen in a game is something like the New Atlantis Spaceport, which every player sees multiple times in a playthrough.

    Though I do agree, I did that romance, and was certainly underwhelmed by the waterfall.

    • This is not a great argument unless you are very deep into pretending a game company can do no wrong.

      There are lots of ways this is silly to claim is fine, it’s ridiculous to act like this is expected or acceptable and not just amateurish lack of polish.

      But it’s okay, you can still enjoy the game. It’s okay to enjoy things which have flaws.

      • Did I say it was acceptable? No, I said it was underwhelming.

        What I’m arguing is it is not a normally viewed part of the game, because the vast majority of players will never see it.