• Congratulations on having something that helped your life. That’s honestly great. But come on you have to admit they manage to find a way to mess up your personal time. Like clockwork my daughter will start waking up/have a nightmare/want attention/etc a few min after I get time to read/study/game/Netflix/etc…

    Kids are great and suck at the same time

    edit fix spelling

    • That’s temporary. Kids grow, they age, they mature. After a while, you start to learn more from them than they do from you.

      Then they grow up and leave, they don’t need you anymore. I haven’t gotten there yet, and I’m both excited and afraid. But one day, if you love them, and if you prepare them, they will return the favor. They’ll be there when you grow old. They’ll be there to support you, as you were them.

      The “kids suck” mentality is true, I agree, kids suck. But they only suck if you have a very narrow view on your and their lives.