•  Grayox   ( @Grayox@lemmy.ml ) OP
    11 months ago

    Communism quite literally exists to mitigate greed, and there is nothing stopping Capitalist countries from becoming authoritarian Murder Factories like Modern Russia, The United States, Britain, France, Belgium, and countless other examples of colonial powers that have exploited and murdered native populations. Billionaires get arrested and taxed all the time in modern China. While they almost never suffer the same fate in Capitalist countries.

    • No European country or the US is anything like Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. Orders of magnitude different.

      Billionaires get arrested and taxed all the time in modern China.

      They don’t get arrested for the reasons you or I would arrest them, they get arrested for crossing the CCP. Billionaires do face punishment in the capitalist West.