• Here is some discussion on mastodon that is relatively interesting: https://mstdn.social/@feditips/106835057054633379

    Although I don’t necessarily agree, fedifollows do have a good point that popularity of the software gives more power and voice to the developer.

    However, in the specific case of Lemmy, it seems like most of the developer’s (disturbing, for me personally) politics is kept out of the main platforms. And if I remember correctly the developers mention that the warning from Lemmy is a miniscule part of their total earnings.

    As a left-leaning (not necessarily socialist/communist) Chinese person, it is very disheartening to see CCP being referred to as “communism”, I think that misrepresented the left ideal. It is even harder for me to see people idolize CCP, a person I know haven’t been able seen her dad for years, simply because he wants to build a better China. But I understand these are my personal feelings because of my personal experiences and preferences. Not everyone need to share the same emotions.