It can be like this even when you are 18

  • it’s wild to me how willingly people will give themselves over to nicotine addiction

    i blame our nonsensical drug laws that rank cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms as “worse” than nicotine and alcohol, even though the latter two are more harmful and much more addictive

    i love me some cannabis, i’ll have the occasional mushroom, and i even enjoy a glass of whiskey every now and then, but nicotine scares the absolute hell out of me

    • Okay this is kinda backwards. Alcohol is worse than nicotine. Nicotine withdrawal doesn’t cause seizures or death. Nicotine is less destructive to an addict than alcohol is, although it’s more addictive overall.

      While cannabis and psychedelics should be legalized and can help many people they aren’t without risks. They can cause temporary psychosis and permanent sensory abnormalities/minor hallucinations. In some cases they can trigger diseases like schizophrenia. It’s all dependent on how your brain is wired and what happens when you are tripping/high.

      There was actually an off-duty airline pilot that nearly caused a major accident when traveling in the cockpit jump seat after taking mushrooms a few days before hand. He jumped up atns tried to shut off the engines, and very nearly succeeded. There is a great mentor pilot video on it if you can find it. It’s a great example of what can go wrong with psychedelic drugs. That man ended up in jail btw.

      • alcohol is physiologically worse than nicotine, but not nearly as instantly addictive.

        i’ve watched people with much stronger mental fortitude than i try to quit nicotine and fail spectacularly. i don’t know any smokers who aren’t addicted.

        nicotine scares the hell out of me because i do not want to be a slave to it

        • 100% get you. I just thought it needed pointing out how bad alcohol is. Like you could die of lung cancer from smoking at 60 or from alcohol poisoning at 30. It’s one of those things that’s killed people the first time doing it.