Especially really good and satisfying gun sound effects.

  • Two moments made me fall in love with Hunt:

    • My first game was in the early beta when nighttime missions were legitimately dark as hell. I spawned knee-deep in the swamp. Crouchwalking around through a swamp where I couldn’t see anything, hearing all sorts of weird shit everywhere and trying to avoid it like I was stuck in a horror game.

    • Realizing that someone was hiding in an outhouse, because I heard them breathing. Just to see if it would work, I stabbed them right through the wood with my bowie knife. Yep, it works.

    •  Moghul   ( ) 
      12 years ago

      I had a solo match where I played really well, third partied a lot and almost wiped the server (before the necro change). At the end it was just me, Scrapbeak, and one guy hidden somewhere in the base. I start looking for him, going from house to house, and then I turn the corner going up some stairs and I just instantly die. Dude headshots me with a pistol at the same moment I see him and it’s game over for me. All that work, all that luck, and I die just like that. Hunt giveth and hunt taketh away and god damn I am just sold