• Real easy to dismiss “culture war” issues when you’re not on the receiving end of them. Race, gender, religious prejudices predate capitalism and will likely be with us long after it’s gone.

    •  Alsephina   ( @Alsephina@lemmy.ml ) 
      4 months ago

      Race, gender, religious prejudices

      All secondary contradictions as consequences of class society, which is currently capitalism; it being feudalism in most of the world before that instead of capitalism doesn’t change that it was, and still is, class society. Tackling the symptoms alone won’t solve the core issue.

      Racial, gender, queer emancipation are all part of proletariat emancipation. It’s not an either/or.

    •  cyruseuros   ( @wurosh@lemmy.ml ) 
      4 months ago

      The man’s talking about class differences in general though. Pretty sure those predate us apes even knowing there were other different colored troops.

      Either way it kind of feels like a bit of a chicken and egg discussion. Were we hierarchical animals first, then leveraged arbitrary and irrelevant traits to enforce that hierarchy, or vice versa.

      To me it’s really simple. You adress class issues -> you adress “culture war” issues (those disproportionally impacted get disproportionately addressed, as they should be). You address “culture war” issues -> shitshow ensues.

      I know what I’m gonna focus on.