•  Exocrinous   ( @exocrinous@lemm.ee ) 
    4 months ago

    Fun fact: Reddit is claiming it has full rights to distribute and sell any content posted to Reddit. So if you’ve ever posted to r/gonewild, they’re claiming to have a full licence to do whatever they want with pictures of your naked body.

      •  Exocrinous   ( @exocrinous@lemm.ee ) 
        154 months ago

        No, many people do sex work on the internet and depend on distribution rights to their own bodies to make an income. I’m not usually a fan of copyright, but I make a big exception for people’s bodies. This also isn’t just a matter of money, it’s a matter of personal dignity and social integrity. Nobody should be coerced into giving up creative rights to their own body. It’s sexual harassment at best. If my nudes are used to train an AI in some way with a profit motive, then I’m engaged in what is essentially prostitution without my own consent.

        • I am not sure that you realize how public internet works. Only a few countries participate in copyright.

          Even fewer have actual laws about it. Most don’t give a shit about it at all. Your Reddit photos are public, you gave up the rights to them already, in any realistic way imaginable. You only have a case in countries with copyright laws. What about the others? How is that realistically protecting your privacy, if only one billion out of eight billion give a shit?

          So yeah, it’s a shitshow. Reddit fucked up their image. I’ll never post anything of consequence there and certainly won’t use it to create a business. Same with Facebook. Or any other public forum. I never have. And nobody should, if they are concerned with privacy or copyright.

          There is no war for privacy on the internet. Just an endless battle with companies making money. It can’t be won. Public and Privacy don’t mix. And never will. It’s a game the law-makers play. It has nothing to do with rights.

          This is reality versus Living inside your head. Prostitution? Coerced? Sexual Harassment? Dude, you are mangling those words into perversions of themselves.

          An ai is using hundreds of thousands of nudes for training. Your body is used for normalizing the process, not as a template for porn. How special do you and your celestial body feel? You probably have 10000+ natural look-a-likes. Meh.

    • I mean of course they do. Reddit’s job is literally to redistribute those photos and it is well known that they will be used to generate profit.

      Maybe there is a little grey around around “selling” but if they have the right to redistribute them I don’t see why they wouldn’t be able to redistribute them directly for money as opposed to just redistributing them with some ads on the page.

      • The reason Reddit shouldn’t be selling other people’s pornos is that the users didn’t knowingly consent to being a sex worker. The distinction between free sex (in which I include open distribution of nudes) and sex work (in which I include paid distribution of nudes) is emotionally important. And it’s especially important when someone is being pimped without their knowledge.

        • Yes. “Knowingly” is the hard part here. Reddit will of course say that you agreed to their terms of service and that the terms are reasonable because otherwise they couldn’t operate their service. However it is definitely true that many users didn’t realize that they were giving Reddit permission to sell their content (even if it is the logical conclusion).

          • Actually it’s not the logical conclusion. Reddit’s terms of service violate the GDPR and many other laws. A client can’t sign a contract by logging in to a website, that’s not how contract law works. Legally, these terms of service are utter nonsense. The only reason these companies get away with it is nobody’s sued them yet.