Ceramic tile is tough as hell and cleans easily.
Ceramic tile is tough as hell and cleans easily.
I don’t mean to oversimplify, but it’s late and I’m tired. People seem to love their guns more than their children across a large swath of this country, so I guess we find out when we find out.
My first thought is that a safe full of guns won’t protect you from a hellfire missile coming through the front door. My second thought is that rural America will collectively lose their shit if Trump comes for their guns to soften up the populace for whatever follows. Then again he also might deputize a bunch of jackboots, which almost seems guaranteed at this point.
Who’s to say what happens next.
I think it’s a bit silly to think their security will protect them indefinitely. They have to be perfect 100% of the time, where someone else only has to be lucky once.
I’ve got a Wagner cast iron pan that is at least 100 years old and I use it probably 3 times a week. It will be around this earth a lot longer than I will be.
Edit to add: it was originally my great grandmother’s pan and it got passed down to me.
You know, it’s barely been 80 years since Hitler tried to wipe the Jews off the planet, and here we are today where the Jews are themselves working to wipe another ethnic culture off the planet. It’s really sad that they have zero regard for human life, and it’s even more sad that Americans just send them more bombs carte blanche to help them along the way.
This timeline sucks.
I’m gonna say that my mutt rescue puppy disproves this theory 100%, since he can flip his head straight up and chomp on my arm in like half a second flat. Fuckface murdermouth has a three axis neck.
But god damn he’s a good looking dog and I really like him most of the time.
Careful spraying those broad generalizations everywhere, you’re making a mess.
Sometimes I just want to sit back and play something that doesn’t involve shooting at anything or blowing shit up. It’s relaxing I guess.
Cool that the same court in Texas always gets to decide policy for the entire fucking country.
Hottest year on record so far.
will eventually
You’re looking for “may eventually”. We’re not anywhere near this so using it as a current argument is rather silly.
Are the donors really going to stick around if the Dems get plastered every election (if there is another one) and never win anything? One of three things will happen, to wit.
I think #3 is the least likely to happen. Although in the near future I think it doesn’t matter at all, because we’ve sunk into the mid to late 1930’s Germany. I hope our allies in Europe is prepared to move forward without our support.
You might be talking about me here, but I drive a lot of sales and keep us going.
Tell me where to send the donuts, I got you guys covered.
What about Trump could possibly make you think that he would continue the status quo in any way, shape or form? He already publically said he would turn the military on anyone who opposed him.
We also know how he feels about anyone who isn’t a straight, white, Christian male, so how anyone arrives at the conclusion that things wouldn’t be catastrophically worse for everyone outside that demographic is a complete mystery to me.
I’m tired of the argument here that voting for a third party will make some sort of positive statement, so just do what you have to do. When Trump wins and starts deporting (or worse) Muslims currently in this country, they can all go see if Jill Stein will save them. The status quo sucks, but it’s also a lot harder to campaign for change after they’ve been expelled from the country.
For what it’s worth, I am 100% against the genocide in Gaza and I want the bombs to stop being delivered. However, it’s easier to rally and protest for change without someone aspiring to be a dictator in power.
the bowel is wider than your asshole
imagining a nurse using the word “asshole” to explain it to a regular person is just hilarious to me.
If Trump wins, there will certainly be a revolution. But probably not the kind you’re looking for.
Yes it was an asshole move to remove the remote start from the key fob…
You could have just stopped there. With remote start on the key fob, the infrastructure investment isn’t needed at all, and you go back to remote start being bundled into an option package like it always has been.
These fucking corporations with their nickel and dime subscription bullshit has to end, and the only way that happens is if more people say “fuck you, I’m not buying that car because you’re trying to subscribe people for technology already built into the car”.
Had to dig back a bit, but I found the cat reference. Merry Christmas!