• It’s what I expect from these kind of people. Everyone in leadership is there for power, and they are all surrounded by others who benefit from them being in power. Almost all of them are not good people with good hearts.

    Humble people with good hearts don’t seek these positions in life. So the conclusion must be that humanity will always be under these kind of leaders.

        • Join us. We have knitting circles and cookies. It’s great. You get all the existential dread of knowing what the fuck is wrong with the world, with the added full knowledge that the things that could fix it will likely never happen because we missed our chance at a revolution before the people in power had nukes, and now even if you convince everyone that it would be better that way, those in power will straight up nuke their own people before allowing them to govern themselves, destroying whole swathes of the planet, along with unreplaceable history and culture.

          Plus, there’s a nifty æsthetic, and a range of really good music from folk to metal.

          • You’ve very helpfully put your finger on exactly what holds me back. If I found myself believing in a lost cause, I couldn’t bear to go on. I am too close to despair as it is, so I will spare myself the small indulgence of certainty.

            • The trouble is knowing that it isn’t likely doesn’t stop it from also being true. I’m also of the opinion that just because full communism isn’t likely doesn’t mean we shouldn’t advocate for it, because any move toward liberty, freedom, equality, and the general principles of anarchism and socialism are good things. You don’t come to the table with your compromise, you come to the table with what you know you can’t get, and negotiate to something possible.

              Do I believe communism is possible within my lifetime? No. Do I believe it possible at all? Absolutely, not only in the sense that if we did it it would work, but that we can and likely will do it, eventually, if we survive long enough. Do I believe it’s worth fighting for, even if I’ll never see it? Yes. Because the work itself is enough to improve lives, and the more people who throw their lot in with the far left the more likely we are to see real, substantive change for the better, even if it is incremental.

              Also, sorry for the 4am wall of text. Haha

              • There’s a sign up link. Just wondered what signing up does. I’ve bookmarked your blog and shared it with someone who also read at least the first entry. You’re really good. I’d encourage you to consider self-publishing a book or ebook, at some juncture

                • Oh! I thought you meant my comment to the other poster, saying join us, as in the anarchists.

                  Joining up, I think, just emails you if I ever manage to post anything. When you say you read the first entry, do you mean the runes of flight snippet, or some of the philosophy stuff? Runes of flight is a completed short story I wrote for school, based on a random reddit comment I made once. Haha. I’ve been meaning to get back to it for a while, and posted it on there to sort of grease the wheels a bit for writing more. Regardless, I’m glad you like what you read. :)

                  • I’ve not gotten to the Philo yet; I’m intrigued! Completely enjoyed the first bit of the Runes of Flight … But he’s so cute, I need to plant a tree! I have to read the rest and get to the philosophy. I’m thrilled!