Apologies if this has been done before

  • Eggs have a protective layer of wax that protects them from bacteria. However, in the US, this layer is removed, which means eggs need to be refrigerated there, while in most other countries they can be kept at room temperature for long periods of time without spoiling.

    Wait, maybe this isn’t useless…

      • Whales have their own form of language. Scientists have identified a number of patterns in whale calls that seem to suggest they have a similar system of communication to our own. Their calls have certain sequences called codas that seem to repeat reliably in their speech, and show similar properties to our human vowels.

        These aren’t just instinct either, they must be learned, and so baby whales will start out only being able to make incoherent sounds, until eventually they are taught to use the same codas their parents do.

        Not only that, but they are different for each pod, so two separate groups of whales can’t communicate with eachother because their languages are differerent.

        Scientists are currently trying to decipher whale language with the help of AI language models.