• Nah g I’m not a fan of anybody who makes excuses for genocide, oppression of LGBTQIA+ folks, “forced resettlement”, or authoritarianism in general.

    Tankies are nowhere near as bad as the far right but they’re hardly allies. Historically, any time authoritarian leftists have taken control they’ve murdered all the anti-authoritarian leftists they could find in order to cement their power.

      • Didn’t Cuba only legalise gay marriage last year? Also the CCP (which I don’t consider to be Leftist but tankies seem to love) only allows hetero couples to adopt and still doesn’t allow gay marriage.

        You’re not going to change my mind. Some auth-left states doing good things doesn’t change the fact that authoritarianism is an oppressive system that I think we should leave in the past. The USA occasionally does things that I agree with too, but that doesn’t make their government ethical, doesn’t excuse the atrocities they’ve committed, and doesn’t make liberal late-stage capitalism a good system to idolise.