after what happened with yuzu emu, im done…

EDIT: This post is a joke! It was posted in /c/memes, of course it is going to be a meme! If you consider this news, please re-evaluate your choice of sources.

At the same time, I think it says something about Nintendo that some actually believed this…

  •  callouscomic   ( ) 
    7 months ago

    I saw a lot of cool Nintendo Lego creations recently at a convention. Nothing had Nintendo names. Instead of Goomba, it was named “angry mushroom” and stuff like that.

    Also Disney once told a family no multiple times regarding putting Spider-Man on their dead child’s tombstone.

    Fuck these corporations.

    •  oatscoop   ( ) 
      7 months ago

      Also Disney once told a family no multiple times regarding putting Spider-Man on their dead child’s tombstone.

      This is one of those situations where it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission. Even the most cold-hearted corporate ghoul is going to understand the cost/benefit of going after that family isn’t remotely worth it.

      Yeah, the lawyers are going to say “no”. But even if they’re stupid enough to sue: some suit that isn’t a moron is going to tell them to drop it during the ensuing PR nightmare, and the family will be swimming in donations.

      • Well the reason it is like this, is because the lawyers that get to decide are “only doing their job” and can blame the policy. The ones responsible for policy are just slaves to the megacorp automaton machine that continues to not regard morals or ethics or laws in its hunger for profit. The one responsible for this mess is a machine where you can replace any or even all individuals and it will still continue to globally absorb value and eat anyone in its way. We nurture and cheer these machines on because they give us “profit” when in fact it gives only some profits to specific people that hoard it in Panama. I am very against these entities of destruction, but targeting any individual human is never going to help, and we probably can’t stop them without actually using politics. Except all available options in politics all want to and are praised for nurturing these entities because they bring illusory cash flow to the region

    • I’m in Thailand and knockoff Disney stuff (and Legos) are pretty normal. And it’s nice. The kids buying them have to deal with seeing their ads plastered all over town, so it’s nice there are versions they can buy. I just wish they were so shitty quality and the big companies markup wasn’t so fucking insane. Lego sets pretty regularly hit $200-$300 here. There literally is no Nintendo Thailand, so game prices are pretty random based on import fees that retailers can negotiate (or sneak through).

      The nice thing is no one gives a shit about piracy. No risks really.