•  neptune   ( @neptune@dmv.social ) 
    214 months ago


    Yeah I thought thirty was old when I was in high school. Adults of a given age have been getting healthier and healthier my entire life. Being childless in my early thirties is also a blessing. But come on. I had time and no money at twenty one. Now I have money and wisdom. And still healthy. Probably healthier than I was at 21.

    Sure lots of people in their twenties are still poorly and may be unhealthy but there’s no magic age where life is over.

    • Adults of a given age have been getting healthier and healthier my entire life

      God, it’s easy to overlook how true this is. Looking at pictures of my parents and grandparents at my age is shocking. Less lead, asbestos, and cigarettes in your diet is good for you I guess. People drink alcohol less and wear more sunscreen too, which surely helps.