• Dems say they’re the “good pro democracy guys” but they love rewriting reality and demonizing others just as much as Republicans.

    I don’t think I’ve seen a single dem so far call a third party vote a third party vote unless they’re saying “A third party vote is a vote for Trump.” Otherwise, they ONLY use the terms protest vote or spoiler vote. Whatever they do, they CAN’T let people know it’s possible to vote for what you believe in instead of doing what you’re told. So, they have to control the narrative so people believe 3rd party voters just hate America instead of being the only ones not voting for people actively trying to engage in genocide.

    Same with how they pay the “right” lip service for 5 seconds then dedicate their day to pissing on leftists, then blaming leftists when they lose.

    Democrats are just as fascist as Republicans.