• This isn’t true in the US anymore, and it was only ever true for men who had sex with men.

    In a news release, the federal agency said it will recommend a series of “individual risk-based questions” that will be the same for every blood donor, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender or sex. Those who have had anal sex with a new sexual partner, or more than one sexual partner, within the last three months would be asked to wait to donate blood.

    With the updated guidelines, most gay and bisexual men who are in a monogamous relationship with a man will no longer have to refrain from sex in order to donate blood.

    Source: https://www.npr.org/2023/05/11/1175622785/fda-blood-donations-gay-bisexual-men

    Also as far as I can tell there is nothing preventing you from donating if you use cannabis. Look at the Red Cross eligibility criteria here: https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/how-to-donate/eligibility-requirements/eligibility-criteria-alphabetical.html

    They only stipulate intravenous drug use. Nothing about cannabis. And I don’t recall them ever asking about cannabis during the questionnaire when I’ve donated. (And I donate regularly)