• Thank you, this is a a great idea! I’ve found these common temperatures online, in case anyone wants to learn them:

    Description Celsius (°C) Fahrenheit (°F)
    Absolute Zero -273.15 -459.67
    Freezing Point of Water (at sea level) 0 32
    Average Room Temperature 20-22 68-72
    Body Temperature 37 98.6
    Average Summer Day 25-30 77-86
    Heat of a Desert 40-50 104-122
    Boiling Point of Water (at sea level) 100 212
    Highest Recorded Earth Temperature 56.7 134
    • Average Summer Day 25-30 77-86

      See, that’s the problem with these “Fahrenheit is more intuitive” arguments. They are catered to a very specific country with a very specific climate. For me, 25-30 ºC is an average late spring day.