Title is editorialized because the original is, frankly, clickbait garbage

    • Well change can only be done through voicing disapproval first, although Google will most definitely won’t stop the data gathering in Maps.

      Well It’s understandable if a lot of people wouldn’t switch over to OSM-based apps. I’ve tried OSMAnd, and I observe 3 drawbacks. Lengthy public transport calculation (fair since it’s computing on the phone), no reviews in POI areas (really hard to catch up on), weird results in transportations

      • Well change can only be done through voicing disapproval first

        Yes, but if you as the consumer never actually stop giving the company your money and/or data then there is little incentive for them to change. Just complaining by itself does absolutely nothing to a company the size of Google. You need to actually follow it up by using your limited power as a consumer to support an alternative. Only then, and if enough people do the same, will the first company consider making changes. If they don’t, at least you are supporting an alternative project and helping it to improve so that it may one day feel like less of compromise.

    • also a lot of open maps alternatives rely on YOUR contribution to be good instead of a hired team at some corpo.

      use it and help out with it and you will have your open mapping app!

    • I always try to keep in mind there are a lot of people that are simply unable to transition to alternative apps because they lack knowledge and time to do research on such things. What we see through videos isn’t the majority of the people, it is people that make content for the majority.

      People have hard times getting into more technical stuff already. Expecting people that are struggling to survive in capitalism to spend their free time learning about underground alternatives or to turn into sys admins and host their own stuff is out of touch if reality in my opinion.

      Edit: just wanted to add, I wouldn’t say the problem is on the people, but on big tech that predates on them

      • Those people aren’t complaining. The guy in the video specifically mentioned Open Street Maps as an alternative, but only in the context of “well maybe one day Google will go in this direction”. He has zero interest in actually switching and ends up making a bunch or excuses justifying his Google Maps usage. He is not trying to be part of a solution here, he is just whining.