• A classic Monty Python joke from Live at the Hollywood Bowl. Definitely some truth in this… I live in Germany with some of the best lagers in the world, and having a Miller Light for the first time was a really weird experience.

    Now when I’ve visited the US quite a few times, I can say I dislike the expensive craft beers way more compared to the classic american lagers… They are way too hoppy, but the worst thing is how much more expensive they are! Like a pale ale can be over ten dollars, but a pint of PBR is 3.50. Beer should be cheap, and I don’t really like how this craft beer culture made the prices go so high.

      • It is very hard to brew a good lager, like the good Helles style famously brewed in Bavaria. I’ve been on a mission every time I come to the US to find good Helles, and I found two places that get very close:

        This place in Seattle: https://maps.app.goo.gl/czPMtm4xkunkopEc8

        And this in Weaverville: https://maps.app.goo.gl/wuNS33EcQ1qC9zfb9

        But quite often even if they advertise the beer as German style Helles, it has some quality that makes it very different. Usually it’s sweet or even hoppy. I think for an american a special beer should have a special taste, but a good Helles is just very fresh and crisp beer.

        Edit: and Becks is one of the worst beers in Germany in my opinion… At least nobody tries to sell overpriced Sternburg here.

        • Yes “sweet or hoppy” sums it up so well. I’ve been traveling a lot to the USA the last few years and whenever I bring this up at the inevitable craft brewery we end up at the Americans think I have no sense of taste in beer.

          But they’re all the same and horrible. They’ve been brain washed.