• ok so technically, this wouldn’t be the US regime, this wouldn’t even be a regime at all judging by modern contemporary definitions.

    The dude was executed under state law. In the united states.

    Can we stop referring to the US like this? I get that we have problems but jesus christ it feels loaded calling us a “regime” we’re not all that oppressive, and we’re not all that anti-democratic. Calling it a regime probably makes it more of a regime than it is by itself.

    we could’ve had a productive discussion on the problems with capital punishment, but nope. here we are, not even talking about it at all (aside from the comment threads)

    • It’s not a productive discussion that’s needed though. The death penalty has been going on for four centuries in the US. That’s an awful lot of time for an awful lot of productive discussions, and yet innocent people are still being put to death by the machinery of the state. At this point we’re just tired of it.
      For the innocent victims of the death penalty, I imagine it feels like a regime. Like an inscrutable, bureaucratic behemoth, unable to change course even in the face of logic. It’s inhumane, it’s unreasonable. It’s a regime - an immovable set of arbitrary rules where no single individual has to take responsibility, and no individual human being’s decision can save you, even if you’re innocent. It’s a regime.

      • well yeah the productive discussion is “stop doing the death penalty, it’s stupid”

        For the innocent victims of the death penalty, I imagine it feels like a regime.

        well i mean yeah, that would be the second definition of regime, even doing shit like renewing your license feels like dealing with a regime. Dealing with any government is technically “regime” like if you think about it for long enough.