• This is why I use Firefox. I honestly don’t think that a browser engine monopoly is good for the world. Single point of failure for everyone with no alternatives is very bad if something nasty happens.

    I think the creators of WINE said something similar about one of their reasons for creating WINE. Wish more browsers would use Gecko.

    • I actually use Edge as a daily, but I also use Firefox because I want to support them. Unfortunately, Edge and Chrome are superior to Firefox in performance. Edge especially is really really great at resource management, and it doesn’t matter if I have 1 or 700 tabs and windows open. It’ll manage it without any issues. Firefox however, won’t. Sure, it’s rich in features and it’s very very flexible, but it’s not as stable or fast as the former.

      Still love Firefox, though!

      • Well if you use Firefox Nightly with ad-blockers and the latest version of Windows Defender the performance will be comparable to edge and chrome, the only thing is that Firefox uses the RAM that you are not using and that means if you have something open it will run slower.

        • cpu and memory on my firefox and edge are about equivalent but I have some browser add ons for managing lots of tabs. I have way more on firefox because its my main browser but I have a fair amount on edge which I use like scratchpad.