• The thing is, there are jobs that need to be done but no one wants and there are jobs everyone wants but only few are needed/have the ability to do it.

    Do you really believe that in a state where everything you need is provided enough people will be “passionate” about sewer maintenance?

    The thought of enough people will be passionate about every job in order to fill the required number of positions in those jobs, when everything is provided whether they work or not, is simply a delusion.

    • Goods are not the only form of incentive. The jobs that nobody wants to do would have more people doing them for less time. For example you can be a graphic designer for 1 year or work the sewer for 1 month.

      • (Everything you are about to read, put a grain of salt in it, and go read about the system of work in the Inca empire and connections to communism. I’m not saying it was the same thou)

        The Inca empire functioned something like this.
        And why they where successful.
        The people did all sorts of work, throught the year and in turns.
        So all shared the labor and the benefits of the labor.

        There was still the central “state” in the emperor dictating what to do and when to do it. But i think AI will replace that in the future saying where the production needs to go (besides olygarchies, a problem of capitalism is inefficiency, a lot of food going to waste instead to the millions going through hunger. Vacant mansions while people sleep in the streets).

        I don’t work because of money.
        I need it, I live in a capitalist system.
        But i work in public function, I do a lot of schedules in the public pools, the public gym, and the cultural center with theater, exposions, cinema and also the school gym after hours with sport teams from associations and clubs.

        I clean in most of those places, receptionist work in all, have the keys to everything (they trust me).

        All this to say:

        Do to to the system we live in and all the shit I went through (disease, deaths in the family) i have a depression.
        I am taking medication and see a doctor.
        But the work, helps me get throught it better.

        I wake in the morning to open the place I have on schedule, besides the depression, to assist, and serve and connect.

        I do a lot of places and/or schedules that no one wants, holidays, some weekends.
        That gives me a lot of extra hours.
        I take time went i need. Mostly when my grandma needs 😁

        I dont get paid extra, and i don’t care, but i always try to show perspective to people.
        Be it here or in the everyday life.

        I remeber being afraid of factory automation and what that would do to the work force, specially in my town, where hundreds or a few thousands work in factories.

        What and idiot…those people could live their lifes. Enjoy it, the factory itself produces the products.
        Even better, if i need a door for the car I downloaded in the comunal printer 10 years ago, or the one i have at home, I just print another door, recycling the material of the damaged one.

        But it’s difficult to make people understand what communism even is, when they think the capitalist factory of the world where Apple produces their planed obsulence products and workers, wich are not owner of the means off production, and hrow themselves from the factory roofs wich such frequency, that they put webs to catch them…is comunist…where the f### is China commist.

        Don’t words have meaning?
        I’m sorry.
        Stay safe everyone.

    • Not everyone has to be passionate about it. You could devise a sort of lottery system for jobs that can’t be automated and suck, where everyone will have to do that job for a set amount of time. People do these jobs for 40 hours a week now because they know it’s necessary for their own survival, so I personally don’t feel like it’s far-fetched to think that people would okay with doing a certain job for way less time a week, knowing that in a few weeks or however long they’ll never have to do it anymore because their name is now gone from the lottery pool, because they know it’s necessary for the survival of society (and thus also themselves).

        • You could do that. You could also make it a bit more nuanced, where the pool of people only consists of people doing non-vital work. So maybe doctors and nuclear engineers and firefighters and teachers could be excluded, while only people doing non-vital work get rotated in, and it wouldn’t be such a big deal if one person is missing for a couple of weeks or months. Nobody is gonna die if you have to wait a bit longer to get your hair cut or your house painted or to see that new movie, and there would be an understanding that you have to wait a bit longer because important work is being done. You’d also have so many people who are freed up from useless or destructive work like ceo’s, finance, middle managers, marketing, etc that maybe you wouldn’t even notice if someone got rotated in, because everyone else could just pick up like 3 extra hours a week for a little while.