• Sure, the expectation for a meme is to have a bite sized idea in a humorous context.

          ye, but what’s the context here? idk who that guy is, so i don’t get what the humorous part is, which was my main criticism point in the first place; maybe that’s the thing i missed 🤷‍♀️

          • I don’t really know who the guy is either, but that’s true for a lot of memes too. I agree that humor part is missing. I personally see that as a bonus. In my mind, memes are typically just modern versions of political propagana. For example, old school Bolshevik cartoons follow a similar format.

            • In my mind, memes are typically just modern versions of political propagana. For example, old school Bolshevik cartoons follow a similar format.

              yeah, good point actually, in that sense you prolly right 🤷‍♀️