• I feel like that site started to go downhill once they started to implement their A”lGoRiThM.” They started promoting so much negative content to users to keep them hooked - basically my entire feed was taken up by posts of people dying / getting wronged / complaining about how terrible modern society is / etc. And now they just want to be TikTok

      • i think that algorithm-based content suggestion can be a good thing if implemented correctly, it’s just that what’s good and what’s profitable doesn’t always align. sometimes i wonder what the world would look like right now if actually decent algorithms are the norm instead of the absolute cancer that’s common right now.

      •  Lvxferre   ( @lvxferre@lemmy.ml ) 
        1 year ago

        The very fact that you handle the possibility that you might be non-intelligent already makes you considerably smarter than most of the Reddit userbase.

        (Don’t tell anyone, but I’m a dumbarse too. That’s why my avatar is a smoking chimp. I just don’t want to interact with other dumbarses, I’d rather leech off smarter people.)

    • It’s not even brain drained, most of the high quality users were still there (including myself up until two weeks ago). They were just drowned out by the massive flood of mainstream instagram-esque users ending up on the site + bot accounts.

      • Myself was still commenting a few times there, although I’m potentially braindead. (I don’t rule out the possibility.) But I feel like even the smarter Reddit users who were still using the platform became less and less encouraged to show “hey, there’s intelligent life here”. They were like, “I came, I saw, and I shut up because I’m not putting my hand in this wasp hive.”