My parents have been giving a lot of mixed signals so indon’t know if I can come out or not.

On one hand they don’t talk shit and don’t get pissy about pride flags and stuff and actually seem supportive. On the other they are extremely religious. To the point where they get pissed when I don’t want to go to church. Wish I had a clear answer. Extended family is even worse. Everyone is extremely

I don’t even know why I bother. Everything has been crashing down recently. My family is probably unaccepting. I’m pretty sure my boyfriend left me. Don’t know why I keep going. I’m just sick and tired

  • Yes he’s older. I’m 14 he’s turning 17 in august The first time it was for less than 24 hours and considering his mental health I didn’t blame him. At this point we weren’t in a relationship yet too. I felt safe with him. I was happy when he would talk to me. I could tell him anything.

    The month or so we were talking was probably the best month of my life. I’m jistt scared he might not be safe at the moment

    • If he was as good as you say, he would be worried about you right now. He would have talked to you and been honest, not cryptic and confusing.

      What you described can be had in a friendship. Nothing he offered that you explained is special or even showing a special connection to you. He listened and talked to you like an equal, and that feels amazing if you have never had that. But that’s not really a relationship, especially not when he shows he’s only good to you when his life is good and easy. Aren’t you able to put yourself aside to listen to him? Would YOU ever do this to anyone you love for any reason?

      probably not, cause you sound empathetic and kind. a good, kind person maybe makes one mistake. not twice, not threatening self harm. That’s just textbook abuse.