I just don’t get it. Why do some people hate that we exist and then lust over the idea of us behind closed doors? Why do some people just see us as sex objects?

  • I think just being honest about failings is easier than denial and hypocrisy too, but there’s also that I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being LGBTQ+ in the first place. And my immediate surroundings aren’t going to exclude me or beat me up for thinking so. And for a good number of people, any porn habit at all is more shameful to admit to than an ice cream habit.

    Also, if I did think LGBTQ+ was wrong I would probably hold fast to “it’s sinful and I’m broken.” If I thought LGBTQ+ was wrong but got aroused by porn of them, listening to “maybe it isn’t a sin” viewpoints would feel like stretching for an excuse to feel better about myself and living in denial about reality.