Nice to see a mainstream option de-Googled in the US.

  • I have an FP3 and I facepalmed real hard when I saw the announcement. That last reason, vulnerability to dust and protection from water, I find especially dumb. If that’s their reasoning, they might as well remove the USB-C port, too. Fuck it, just make it a featureless plastic brick.

    • Fellow FP3 user, cannot see myself getting a new phone at all in the near future. When this eventually falls out of support I’ll probably go all-in on a custom rom, instead of just rooting.

      The FP3 was the closest thing to my previous S5 too, and even then I was giving up some creature comforts like the IR, waterproofing and OLED screen. That thing was ahead of it’s time by a long shot IMO

    •  XTornado   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      might as well remove the USB-C port

      Well don’t say it too loud, if there is any big improvements on “wireless” charging… I could see the mainline of phones doing it…

      •  exu   ( ) 
        21 year ago

        And it would be sold as “less cable waste” while the lower efficiency of wireless charging more than makes up that “cable waste” in environmental impact.