• Hotels are great if you need 1 bed and nothing else. But hotels get expensive fast if you need an extra room for a kid. Or you take a pet. Or you need to wash your clothes. Or you would like a kitchen.

    • The kitchen is usually the big one for me. Finding a hotel with a kitchen (and not $$$$ prices) is hard. Heck, some hotels won’t even give you a fridge (and when they do give you a fridge, it’s probably the tiniest possible). AirBnB absolutely can have some extra bullshit sometimes, but they’re usually considerably cheaper than a hotel and it’s standard to have a kitchen.

    • I almost see it as the opposite.

      AirBNB is fine if you are just looking for a place nearby tourist sites that you don’t plan to spend much time at.

      Hotels are great when you need the extra features, a concierge, laundry (I have never worked at a hotel that did not have laundry services and/or dry cleaning), restaurants, and the like.

      Kitchen I could see being tricky, but if you need a kitchen I assume you might be doing more a long-term stay anyway, in which case a lot of hotels will have those options as well.