I’ve realized that I’m very mentally weak and it’s impacting my success.
I suspect I have ADHD and whenever I get an urge to distract myself, I rarely manage to resist it.
I think what I am missing is the residtance to discomfort that eg. allows sports people to carry on going even when their muscles are telling them to stop. Or the thing that allows people to defy themselves and step into an ice-cold shower.

Unfortunately I am not a person who enjoys sports and a cold shower is only something that makes sense once a day. Can you think of any exercises that I can do here and now in my room, and practice routinely that will strengthen my willpower so that I can better resist my urges in the future?

  • You could try things like the 10min rule

    That 10 minute rule is phenomenal. I’ll be stood there looking at the kitchen full of washing up from dinner, wanting to just go to bed, but I’ll set a ten minute timer on Alexa and suddenly the kitchen is tidy before the alarm goes off. Works every damn time. And even if I’m still tidying when the timer finishes, I’ll just keep going.